Home Wine Ukrainian Winemakers protest, as Russia dispute bites, Read more

Ukrainian Winemakers protest, as Russia dispute bites, Read more

by Wine Lover
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Around 200 Ukrainian wine producers from the Odessa area as of late blocked roads, requesting that the government pay more thoughtfulness regarding the issues in their industry.

It was the latest in a progression of protests by winemakers in Ukraine.

Regardless of government announcements about advancing domestic winemaking, some in the industry dread a genuine crisis is looming.

Protesters in Odessa said that businesses were on the very edge of collapse because of the loss of the Russian market.

The route to Russia has been sliced because of the dispute between the country and Ukraine over Russia’s annexation of Crimea – itself a wine-producing locale that has since seen investment by Russia’s government.

Toward the part of the bargain, the Ukrainian government announced designs to attract progressively foreign investment to the country’s wine sector, so as to boost quality through improved winemaking techniques.

There has been speculation that vineyard land could be offered to foreign investors at underneath market prices, so as to foster growth.

A conference for winemakers was held on 14 February 2019 in Odessa to talk about provincial variation and geographical signs for wine, as indicated by the Ministry of Agriculture.

Ukrainian wine exports ascended by 20% in 2018, versus 2017, to $38m, as indicated by figures posted on Facebook in January this year by the then-deputy agriculture minister, Olha Trofimtseva.

Yet, she included that Ukraine stayed a net wine importer.

Wine sector analysts in Ukraine and winemakers themselves have warned that budgetary problems for existing wineries could prompt a major crisis and this may curtail government plans.

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